USA | Missouri Attorney General Opposes Opportunity for Marcellus Williams to Establish His Innocence Before Execution Date

On July 18, 2024, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey asked the state Supreme Court to block a scheduled evidentiary hearing for Marcellus Williams and deny him the opportunity to establish his innocence before his scheduled execution on September 24, 2024. 

Iran | Man has fingers judicially amputated for stealing 5 sheep

Iran Human Rights (IHRNGO); February 8, 2024: A 35-year-old man named Yousef had his fingers amputated for the theft of five sheep in Qom Central Prison.

Condemning the cruel and unusual punishment, Iran Human Rights urges international pressure for the Islamic Republic to abolish such medieval punishments.

IHRNGO Director, Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam said: “The amputation of a man’s fingers for stealing a few sheep by a corrupt system whose officials compete with each other in stealing and embezzling billions of dollars shows the extent of the Islamic Republic’s cruelty and immorality. Khamenei, officials, judges and the executors of these medieval punishments must be held accountable for such crimes.”

According to information obtained by Iran Human Rights, a man’s fingers were amputated in Qom Central Prison on 17 July 2023. His identity has been established as 35-year-old Yousef T (surname withheld by IHRNGO) who was sentenced to have four fingers amputated for the “theft of 5 sheep.”

An informed source told IHRNGO: “Yousef was 34 when he was arrested for allegations of stealing five sheep from a farm that belonged to a member of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Yousef was a builder and contracted to build a room on the farm. He denied the theft and insisted he was innocent throughout the 13 months he was behind bars.”

According to the informed source, another man’s fingers were also amputated at the prison in Shahrivar (23 August-22 September 2022).

IHRNGO is working to establish the man’s identity and exact date of amputation. On 12 June 2022, it warned of the imminent amputation of seven men in the Greater Tehran Penitentiary. Due to the judiciary’s lack of transparency, the exact number of people currently awaiting amputation sentences in Iran is unknown. It is estimated that dozens are at risk of this inhumane and medieval punishment.

Punishments such as amputation and whipping are cruel, degrading and inhuman punishments that amount to torture which is prohibited according to Iran’s international treaty obligations.

Source: iranhr.net, Staff, February 8, 2024



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