Robert Moormann Robert Moormann, who killed his mother and chopped her into pieces during a compassionate leave from prison 28 years ago, was put to death Wednesday morning by lethal injection. Moments before the lethal injection began, Moormann smiled at the witnesses assembled behind glass nearby. In his last words, he apologized to his family and to his victim in a 1972 abduction and rape. "I hope that this will bring closure and they can start the healing now," he said. "And I just hope they will forgive me in time." It was the first Arizona execution carried out with a single drug instead of a three-drug cocktail. But result was the same. Execution started at 10:23 and ended at 10:33, roughly the same amount of time that the execution with the three-drug protocol took. Moormann died with a peaceful look on his face. Moormann's execution at Arizona State Prison Complex - Florence came after the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Co...
Striving for a World without Capital Punishment