Texas sets execution date for man accused in shaken baby case

Lawyers for Robert Robertson say the science used to sentence him to death is questionable and that prior health issues could explain the death of his 2-year-old daughter in 2003. A Texas court on Monday set an execution date for Robert Roberson, who was sentenced to death in 2003 for killing his 2-year-old daughter but has consistently challenged the conviction on the claim that it was based on questionable science.

USA: How Does The Federal Death Penalty Work?

Terre Haute, Indiana
The federal government has announced plans to resume capital punishment. But the order will likely face challenges.

The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) has directed the Federal Bureau of Prisons to allow the federal government to resume capital punishment for the first time since 2003. In the announcement released Thursday, Attorney General William Barr ordered the executions of five federal death row inmates, scheduled to take place in December of 2019 and January of 2020, with an intention to schedule additional executions at a later date.

"Under Administrations of both parties, the Department of Justice has sought the death penalty against the worst criminals, including these five murderers, each of whom was convicted by a jury of his peers after a full and fair proceeding," Barr said in a statement. "The Justice Department upholds the rule of law—and we owe it to the victims and their families to carry forward the sentence imposed by our justice system."

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The statement released by the DOJ includes brief descriptions of the violent crimes committed by each of the five inmates, noting they have all exhausted their appellate and post-conviction remedies, leaving no legal impediments to the application of the death penalty.

Still, the order isn't necessarily a green light to begin executions. It will probably face challenges, particularly regarding Barr's proposed new lethal injection protocol. In case you need a refresher after 16 years, here's an explanation of the current state of the federal death penalty.


Death Chamber, Terre Haute Federal Penitentiary, Indiana
Federal death penalty cases are authorized by the DOJ in consultation with local U.S. attorney offices (U.S. attorneys represent the federal government in district courts and appeals courts). According to Capital Punishment in Context, an online resource for those studying the death penalty, a committee within the DOJ reviews all federal death-eligible cases, taking into consideration defense attorneys' reasons not to seek the death penalty, and makes recommendations to the attorney general on whether to seek the death penalty. Before seeking the death penalty, local U.S. attorneys must obtain the consent of the U.S. attorney general, who makes the final decision on whether to seek the charge.

Those indicted of federal death-eligible crimes are assigned two defense attorneys and are prosecuted by U.S. attorneys. Those who are convicted and sentenced to death are allowed one appeal (except for rare occasions where they can have more), and the president alone has the power to grant clemency to a prisoner on federal death row. Federal prisoners are held in the Special Confinement Unit at U.S. Penitentiary Terre Haute in Indiana. There are currently 62 prisoners on federal death row.

The lengthy list of crimes punishable with the federal death penalty includes offenses like espionage, treason, and various instances of murder. But according to the Death Penalty Information Center, the federal death penalty is frequently applied in cases where a conviction or death sentence would have been available at the state level. All current death row inmates have been convicted of crimes involving murder or death; none have been convicted of treason, espionage, or air piracy, and only one case was related to terrorism.


The order comes at a time when more and more states, with mounting conservative support, are making moves to abolish the death penalty: Most recently, New Hampshire repealed the death penalty in May of 2019, and bipartisan legislators in Wyoming, Montana, and Kentucky all introduced bills to end capital punishment in their states this year.

However, state opposition does not impede the federal government from applying the death penalty to a prisoner from that state.

As it stands, 21 states and Washington, D.C., have outlawed the death penalty, four have a governor-imposed moratorium, and 25 allow the death penalty, according to the Death Penalty Information Center. Although it's only legal by state law in half of the U.S., the federal death penalty applies to all 50 states, D.C., and other U.S. jurisdictions.


Attorney General William Barr, left, and Donald Trump
States traditionally have the power to define and enforce criminal law, leading to questions about the constitutionality of the federal government's right to exercise capital punishment, especially when so many states oppose it. The federal death penalty was outlawed in the 1972 case Furman v. Georgia, which found that it constituted cruel and unusual punishment and was applied in an inconsistent, discriminatory manner. It was reinstated in the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 for a short list of crimes, and then lengthened to include 60 offenses in the Federal Death Penalty Act of 1994. This drew criticism from a range of scholars, anti-death penalty advocates, attorneys, and more for overriding state powers.

"Problems unique to the federal death penalty include over-federalization of traditionally state crimes and restricted judicial review," Ruth Friedman, director of the Federal Capital Habeas Project, told CNBC. "These and other concerns, including troubling questions about the new execution protocol, are why there must be additional court review before the federal government can proceed with any execution."


In his order, Barr directs the federal government to use a new protocol with just one drug, pentobarbital, rather than the three-drug cocktail the government formerly used. But BuzzFeed News reports that the new protocol will immediately end up in court and likely delay the scheduled executions, since legal injections have been effectively suspended by a lawsuit—pending since 2005 and on hold since 2011—that challenges the U.S. government's execution protocol.

"Saying that you are going to adopt a protocol is not the same thing as having a protocol properly adopted through the required administrative procedures," Robert Dunham, the executive director of the Death Penalty Information Center, told CNN.

Source: psmag.com, Kelley Czajka, July 25, 2019

Terre Haute penitentiary: What you need to know

Terre Haute Penitentiary
Before the end of the year, the first federal death row executions in 16 years will take place at United States Penitentiary, Terre Haute.

On Thursday, the Department of Justice announced that an addendum to the Federal Execution Protocol has cleared the way for the United States government to resume capital punishment, and a single drug called pentobarbital will replace the three-drug cocktail used in previous federal executions.

Five men are slated to be executed at the Indiana prison where they are held, and the first execution will happen on Dec. 9, 2019, when Daniel Lewis Lee is put to death.

His execution will be followed by two more in December, and another two in January. Federal authorities said that more executions will be scheduled in the future. 

Here is what you should know about the penitentiary that will serve as the site for the historic executions.

Where is Terre Haute penitentiary?

United States Penitentiary, Terre Haute is located at 4700 Bureau Road South in Terre Haute. The facility is in western Vigo County, near the Indiana/Illinois border, and about 77 miles west of Indianapolis.

It is one of two facilities that make up the city's Federal Correctional Complex. The other, Federal Correctional Institution, Terre Haute, is a medium-security facility with an adjacent minimum-security satellite camp.

Both facilities are managed by the Federal Bureau of Prisons and house only federal inmates. 

How many inmates does the prison hold?

The high-security penitentiary has a listed total inmate population of 1,380.

How long has it been around?

The facility first opened in 1940. Its construction was funded by a $3 million grant from the U.S. Public Works Administration. 

It was designated as the site for federal death sentences in July 1993, and a special confinement unit for death row prisoners was established in 1999.

When was the last execution?

The last execution in Terre Haute was when Louis Jones Jr. was put to death on March 18, 2003. He was 53.

Jones was convicted in 1995 for the sexual assault, kidnapping and murder of U.S. Army Private Tracie Joy McBride.

The only other two executions to take place at the facility after the establishment of the special confinement unit was Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh on June 11, 2001; and Juan Raul Garza who was convicted of three murders and multiple drug trafficking offenses. 

Any other notable inmates?

Dylann Storm Roof, the white supremacist who killed nine people when he opened fire in a Charleston, South Carolina church in 2015, is being held in Terre Haute after being sentenced to death in 2017.

Source: indystar.com, Justin L. Mack, July 29, 2019

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"One is absolutely sickened, not by the crimes that the wicked have committed,
but by the punishments that the good have inflicted." -- Oscar Wilde

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