Activists Call on President Biden to End the Federal Death Penalty Before Leaving Office

A conversation with Death Penalty Action Co-founder and Executive Director Abe Bonowitz. Now that Joe Biden is a lame duck president, activists are holding him accountable to make good on his promise to end the federal death penalty during his remaining six months as president. Biden’s election campaign in 2020 had pledged to end the federal death penalty and incentivize the remaining 27 states that still allow executions to do the same. While he made history as the first president in the United States to openly oppose the death penalty, there has been no movement to actually end federal executions during his nearly four years in office.

Sexuality Hatred Trial: Men Distributed Leaflets Calling For Death Penalty Against Gay People, Court Hears

A group of Muslim men handed out to the public a leaflet that called for homosexuals to be "punished" and given the death sentence, a court has heard.

The five men gave out the pamphlet, called The Death Penalty?, which showed an image of a mannequin hanging from a noose, said buggery was a great sin leading to hell, that it used to be punished by hanging and that people practising and allowing homosexuality would suffer, the court was told.

All five men are accused of stirring up hatred on the grounds of sexual orientation in the first prosecution of its kind since legislation came into force in March 2010.

Opening the prosecution's case at Derby Crown Court today, where the five men are on trial after denying all charges, prosecutor Bobbie Cheema said the case was an example of a hate crime.

The Death Penalty? leaflet, which mentions execution and says it is the only way the immoral sin of homosexuality can be erased from society, was handed out to people outside the Jamia Mosque after Friday prayers on July 2.

Cheema also said a fourth leaflet, Dead Derby, was found but not distributed.

It described homosexuality as a "vile, ugly, cancerous disease" and asked the question "Gay today, paedophile tomorrow?"

All of the men have been charged with distributing threatening written material intending to stir up hatred on the grounds of sexual orientation contrary to Section 29C (1) of the Public Order Act 1986.

Source: Huffington Post UK, January 10, 2012

Iran human rights chief labels gays as ‘diseased’

Iranian gay activists have responded after the secretary-general of the Iranian High Council for Human Rights described homosexuality as a western ‘disease’.

Radio Free Europe also reports that General Mohammad Javad Larijani said that same-sex marriage is ‘immoral’.

He allegedly made the remarks in Tehran during a visit by German Tom Koenigs, who chairs the human rights committee in Germany’s parliament.

‘The west says that the marriage of homosexuals should be allowed under the human rights charter, however, we think it is sexual immorality and a disease,’ he was quoted as stating to his German counterpart, in Iran’s semiofficial Fars news agency.

This statement is consistent with the harsh sentences and treatment of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Iran that enforces and enacts the death penalty for same-sex acts.

In 2007, during a visit to Columbia University, USA, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad responded to reports of human rights abuses of LGBT people that: ‘In Iran, we don't have homosexuals like in your country. In Iran, we do not have this phenomenon. I don't know who has told you we have that.’

Click here to read the full article

Source: GayStarNews, January 10, 2012

'Gay people should get the death penalty’: 5 Muslim men on trial for stirring up hatred after 'handing out homophobic leaflets near mosque'

A group of Muslim men handed a leaflet out to the public that called for homosexuals to be 'punished' and given the death sentence, a court has heard. The 5 men gave out the pamphlet, called The Death Penalty?, which showed an image of a mannequin hanging from a noose and said buggery was a great sin leading to hell, the court wast told.

It also said that it used to be punished by hanging and that people practising and allowing homosexuality would suffer, the court was told.

Ihjaz Ali, 42, Mehboob Hussain, 45, Umar Javed, 38, Razwan Javed, 27, and Kabir Ahmed, 28, are alleged to have handed out the document outside and near the Jamia Mosque in Derby, in July 2010.

They are also alleged to have put it through people's letterboxes in the neighbourhood.

All 5 men are accused of stirring up hatred on the grounds of sexual orientation in the 1st prosecution of its kind since legislation came into force in March 2010.

Opening the prosecution's case at Derby Crown Court today, where the 5 men are on trial after denying all charges, prosecutor Bobbie Cheema said the case was an example of a hate crime.

She told the jury of 7 men and 5 women: 'The essence of this case will come down to this - an allegation of a hate crime, that these 5 defendants were part of a small group of men who distributed horrible, threatening literature, with quotations from religious sources and with pictures on them, which were designed to stir up hatred and hostility against homosexual people.'

Miss Cheema showed the jury a series of 3 leaflets the men are said to have handed out, which included The Death Penalty? leaflet, and told them they would hear from witnesses who received them.

The 2 other leaflets were made and used as part of the campaign to publicise a counter-protest in response to the Gay Pride parade due to be held in Derby on July 10, 2010, she said.

She added: 'The leaflets you will see are not educational or simply informative, they are, we suggest, threatening, offensive, frightening and nasty.' The Death Penalty? leaflet, which mentions execution and says it is the only way the immoral sin of homosexuality can be erased from society, was handed out to people outside the Jamia Mosque after Friday prayers on July 2, she said.

Miss Cheema said a police officer near the mosque at the time was handed a copy by Razwan Javed, who is Umar Javed's brother, and was then given a 2nd leaflet by Kabir Ahmed in nearby Madeley Street.

Miss Cheema said this came after a previous 2 leaflets had been distributed to the people of Derby in the streets and through their letterboxes.

The 1st, called 'Turn or Burn', showed images of a burning lake of fire and an image of hell.

It stated that the decriminalisation of homosexuality was the root cause of all problems, she said.

The 2nd leaflet used the word 'GAY' as an acronym for God Abhors You, and was distributed in the same way.

Miss Cheema said Ali first approached police a few weeks before the planned Gay Pride parade to talk about a counter-protest by members of the Muslim community and was advised that any placards, signs, flyers or speeches that were made should be carefully worded so as not to commit any criminal offences.

Many members of the public complained about the first two and on July 1 Ali met with police again and told them his group had been giving them out, Miss Cheema said.

He was advised that officers were investigating the leaflets to see if any criminal offences had been committed.

Ali is also said to have shown police an A4 page of slogans intended for use on placards, some had been crossed out by his solicitor, he said, and he asked police to check out the remaining ones.

Miss Cheema said they contained such things as 'Stay gay and you will pay' and 'Adam and Eve, not Steve'.

Ali's request for permission to counter the Gay Pride parade was eventually refused because he did not apply to the council with enough time.

Miss Cheema told jurors that Ali, of Derby, was charged with all 4 counts on the indictment because the prosecution say he was the person responsible for organising the distribution of the leaflets.

Miss Cheema also said a fourth leaflet, Dead Derby, was found but not distributed.

It described homosexuality as a 'vile, ugly, cancerous disease' and asked the question 'Gay today, paedophile tomorrow?'

Miss Cheema told the jury that it was just The Death Penalty? leaflet upon which the charges were based.

She said: 'You will have to assess quite how much Mr Ali wanted to carry out a lawful and legal protest and quite how much of what he wanted was a shield he could hide behind from the consequences of what he really hoped to achieve.'

The panel heard that the charges levelled against the 5 men involve offences said to have taken place on July 2 and July 4, 2010.

They are all charged with distributing threatening written material intending to stir up hatred on the grounds of sexual orientation contrary to Section 29C (1) of the Public Order Act 1986.

Ali faces 4 charges, while Hussain, of Normanton, and Umar Javed, of Derby, are charged with 2 counts each.

Razwan Javed, and Kabir Ahmed, both of Derby, are charged with 1 count each.

Miss Cheema said each defendant admitted playing a part in the distribution of the leaflets but said they would probably each put forward various lines of defence.

In a police interview Ahmed said he did not feel that the views expressed in The Death Penalty? leaflet - which suggested three different ways to murder homosexuals - were wrong and simply expressed what Islam says about homosexuality and it was his duty as a Muslim to condemn it. Razwan Javed, Miss Cheema said, also admitted distributing the leaflets but said it was only to raise awareness about what Islam says about homosexuality and not to frighten or threaten anyone.

Miss Cheema added: 'A word of warning: this case is not about, and we must not make it about, an interference with the defendants' freedom of religion or freedom to express their religious views in an attempt to educate or inform people.

'The vast majority of Muslims, and indeed other religious people, or people with no religion but who have strong views about homosexuality, are able to express their views if they wish in a critical but lawful, moderate and self-controlled way. That's one of the rights we have.'

The case continues.

Source: The Daily Mail, January 10, 2012

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