USA | Missouri Attorney General Opposes Opportunity for Marcellus Williams to Establish His Innocence Before Execution Date

On July 18, 2024, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey asked the state Supreme Court to block a scheduled evidentiary hearing for Marcellus Williams and deny him the opportunity to establish his innocence before his scheduled execution on September 24, 2024. 

Four Iranian Baluch Men Handed Death Penalty on Security Charges

The Iranian authorities have sentenced four Baluch men to death on the charge of "armed rebellion" through involvement in "anti-revolution terrorist groups,” the Dadban legal group reported. 

The sentences were issued by Branch 28 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, which was presided over by Judge Mohammadreza Amozad Khalili. 

The defendants included Eido Shahbakhsh, Abdul Ghani Shahbakhsh, Abdul Rahim Qanbarzehi Gorgij and Soliman Shahbakhsh.

Dadban said that Soliman Shahbakhsh, 27, was 12 years old at the time of the purported offense.

Eido Shahbakhsh and Abdul Ghani Shahbakhsh had previously been acquitted and released by the First Branch of the Zahedan Revolutionary Court in 2016.

The number of people given capital punishment across Iran reached a 12-month high in January, with at least 35 people being sentenced to death during that month, the activist HRANA news agency reported last week.

Source: iranwire.com, Staff, February 12, 2024



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