Jakarta. Inmates rioted on Tuesday (07/11) at Indonesia’s super maximum security island prison Nusakambangan in Central Java.
One prisoner died and three others were wounded during the riot, an official confirmed.
Ade Kusmanto, a spokesman for Indonesia's penitentiary department, said the lack of prison guards at Nusakambangan was to blame for the riot.
He said only eight prison guards were at Nusakambangan when the riot broke up. The prison island holds 352 inmates.
The riot started with a brawl involving 10 inmates at Pasir Putih prison on Tuesday morning. Pasir Putih is one of seven maximum security prisons on the island.
The body of the inmate who was killed in the riot was taken to a hospital in Cilacap, the nearest inland town from Nusakambangan.
The wounded victims received medical treatment at the Permisan prison on the island.
"We're getting security back up from the penitentiary department, the district military command and the Cilacap police," Ade said.
Authorities have reestablished control at Pasir Putih prison, but security remains tight to prevent more riots.
According to Ade, inmates in Pasir Putih who were involved in Tuesday’s riot will be transferred to other prisons on the island.
Security at the island's only port has also been beefed up.
Source: Jakarta Globe, Telly Nathalia, November 8, 2017
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