Iran Human Rights (SEPT 26 2017): A prisoner was executed at Yasuj Central Prison on murder charges.
According to IRIB News Agency, on the morning of Tuesday September 26, the execution of a prisoner who was charged with murder was carried out at Yasuj Central Prison.
The prisoner was identified as M., 27 years old, who had run over a person with his car over a tribal dispute.
The chief of police of Choram County said, “After the execution was implemented by the judicial authorities of the province, some members of the murderer’s clan tried to cause chaos which was averted by the police and the security forces”.
Rahimi added, “Currently the tension in the city has calmed down and law enforcement forces are sent to the main areas of the city”.
According to the annual report on the death penalty report by Iran Human Rights, 142 of the 530 execution sentences in 2016 were implemented due to murder charges.
There is a lack of a classification of murder by degree in Iran which results in issuing death sentence for any kind of murder regardless of intensity and intent.
Source: Iran Human Rights, Sept. 28, 2017
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