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Gay teen ‘stoned to death’ in Somalia

Mohamed Ali Baashi, an 18-year-old gay
boy, was buried in a hole up to his chest
and then pelted with rocks by fighters from
the rebel Al-Qaida Link group ALshabaab.
The stoning was carried out on Friday,
March 15, 2013 in Somalia, about 50 miles
from the capital, Mogadishu.
A gay teen was allegedly stoned to death as punishment for his homosexuality.

According to a gay Muslim group Somali Gay Community, the 18-year-old was buried in a hole up to his chest and pelted with rocks.

Identity Kenya reports Mohamed Ali Baashi was grabbed by members of the Al Queda link group ALshabaab about 50 miles from the capital Mogadishu.

On one of the pictures, Somali Gay Community writes: ‘In a scene straight out of the Dark Ages, this Somali young man accused of sodomy was stoned to death by Islamic thugs while horrified villagers were forced to watch.

‘A rebel announced that Mohamed Baashi, along with a man who had been accused of murder, had both confessed to their crimes.’

The man accused of murder was allegedly shot to death.

Mohamed Ali Baashi, an 18-year-old gay
boy, was buried in a hole up to his chest
and then pelted with rocks, about 50 miles
from the country's capital, Mogadishu.
‘This is the day of justice,’ the group quote the judge as saying. ‘We investigated, and this man did what Muslims shouldn’t do.

‘As a result, he will be stoned to death and the one that killed someone will be shot because homosexuality is more punishable in Islam.’

Both Gay Star News and Identity Kenya have attempted to reach the group to verify the claims, but efforts have not yet been successful.

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Source: Gay Star News, March 20, 2013

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