USA | Missouri Attorney General Opposes Opportunity for Marcellus Williams to Establish His Innocence Before Execution Date

On July 18, 2024, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey asked the state Supreme Court to block a scheduled evidentiary hearing for Marcellus Williams and deny him the opportunity to establish his innocence before his scheduled execution on September 24, 2024. 

Saudi Arabia | Execution caught on video

Public execution in Saudi Arabia (file photo)
Public execution in Saudi Arabia (file photo)
A Saudi newspaper has carried a film showing the beheading of a man convicted of raping a teenaged boy before murdering him in the heart of the desert.

The rare and shocking 51-second film showed the executioner bringing down his sword on the defendant’s head, which was severed in just a split of second.

The executioner, a tall man wearing traditional Saudi dishdasha (gown) and ghutra (head cover), then wiped blood off his sword with a piece of cloth after the beheading before walking away from the rapist’s headless body.

Sharq newspaper, which published the film, did not say how it was shot as filming of executions in the conservative Gulf kingdom is banned.

Newspapers said the unnamed defendant had been convicted of abducting the Saudi boy to a desolate desert area and raping him. He then forced him to lie on the sand and crushed him with his four-wheel car.

Warning: Graphic Content

✔ RELATED VIDEO: Execution by the sword of a Burmese woman

Warning: This Video Contains Extremely Disturbing Images And Audio. It Is Provided Here For Information Purposes.

In the chilling recording, Basim, who was found guilty in a Saudi Sharia court of sexually abusing and murdering her 7-year-old step-daughter, is heard protesting her innocence until the very end. "I did not kill. I did not kill," she screams repeatedly...

Source: Emirates24/7, June 3, 2012

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