Accusations made by the mullahs, such as insulting the Prophet of Islam, not wearing hijab, or improper veiling, are medieval excuses used to prevent an uprising from igniting.
The wave of brutal and criminal executions, which began last week, continues to sweep across Iran. On Monday, May 8, the religious fascist regime executed 2 prisoners in Arak prison, Yousef Mehrdad and Sadrullah Fazeli, who had been in prison since 2020, for allegedly insulting the Prophet of Islam.
This action is reminiscent of the order to kill Salman Rushdie by Ruhollah Khomeini, which was confirmed by Ali Khamenei after his death, with a reward for its implementation.
Currently, Khamenei is ramping up repressive measures in an effort to quell uprisings by accelerating the execution machine. This includes falsely accusing people of not wearing hijab or improper veiling.
It has been confirmed that on Friday, May 5, 2 additional prisoners, Mehdi Taymuri and Dawood Mahmoudyar, were hanged in Urmia prison. This brings the total number of executions between April 28 and May 5 to 46. The NCRI statement of May 6 reported 44 executions during this period.
Moreover, 2 Baluch prisoners, Majid Diyargar and Mahmoud Sabetzadeh, died suspiciously from poisoning in Gonbadkavus prison on Saturday, April 29, while 6 other prisoners were also poisoned.
On Saturday, May 6, the regime’s agents transferred 6 political prisoners to Sheyban prison in Ahvaz for execution, and nine prisoners were sentenced to death in Gohardasht prison in Karaj.
On Sunday, May 7, another Baluch prisoner was transferred to a solitary cell in Adel Abad prison in Shiraz for execution.
While condemning the execution of the prisoners in Arak, the Iranian Resistance calls on the United Nations and member states to denounce the new wave of executions and take immediate action to halt this barbarism and save the lives of the prisoners facing execution.
A regime whose foundations are based on torture, execution, terrorism, and warmongering should be rejected by the world community, and its leaders should face justice for four decades of genocide and crimes against humanity.
Source: NCRI, Staff, May 9, 2023
"One is absolutely sickened, not by the crimes that the wicked have committed,
but by the punishments that the good have inflicted."
— Oscar Wilde
but by the punishments that the good have inflicted."
— Oscar Wilde