Iran Human Rights (IHRNGO); January 31, 2023: Esmail Kachalanlu, a man sentenced to qisas (retribution-in-kind) for murder, was executed in Maku Prison, West Azerbaijan province.
According to information obtained by Iran Human Rights, a man was executed in Maku Prison on January 30. His identity has been established as Esmail Kachalanlu from Urmia who was sentenced to qisas for murder.
An informed source told Iran Human Rights: “Esmail Kachalanlu was arrested for murder charges around three years ago and sentenced to death.”
At the time of writing, his execution has not been reported by domestic media or officials in Iran.
Those charged with the umbrella term of “intentional murder” are sentenced to qisas (retribution-in-kind) regardless of intent or circumstances due to a lack of grading in law. Once a defendant has been convicted, the victim’s family are required to choose between death as retribution, diya (blood money) or forgiveness.
Man Executed for Drug Charges in Karaj
Iran Human Rights (IHRNGO); January 31, 2023: Hassan Javanroudian, a man sentenced to death for drug-related charges, was executed in Karaj Penitentiary.
According to information obtained by Iran Human Rights, at least one man was executed in Karaj Penitentiary on January 31. His identity has been established as Hassan Javanroudian who was sentenced to death for drug-related charges by the Revolutionary Court.
An informed source told Iran Human Rights: “Hassan Javanroudian was from Karaj, where he was arrested around two years ago.”
At the time of writing, none of their executions have been reported by domestic media or officials in Iran.
On January 27, Iran Human Rights warned of the high number of drug executions currently being carried out in Iran. Of the 55 executions in the first 26 days of 2023, 37 were for drug-related offences.
Drug executions dramatically dropped between 2018-2020 following the Amendment to the Anti-Drug Laws in 2017. However, this reversed in practice in 2021 when numbers increased by five-fold and have continued to rise throughout 2022 and 2023.
"One is absolutely sickened, not by the crimes that the wicked have committed,
but by the punishments that the good have inflicted."
— Oscar Wilde
but by the punishments that the good have inflicted."
— Oscar Wilde