The criminal justice system is divided into 3 distinct but equally important components -- law enforcement, courts and corrections. There is no textbook that can adequately prepare students for what they will face if they decide to pursue a career in corrections in Tennessee or any state with the death penalty. That's especially the case, if they decide to work with inmates on death row or with the team that carries out executions. At LeMoyne-Owen College, it is my job to help prepare students who want to become law enforcement officers, court personnel professionals, or correctional staff/officials for the realities of the profession. While my colleagues and I do our best to provide an accurate account, there are limits to how much we can prepare a criminal justice professional to be responsible for taking the life of another, even if it is state-condoned. The toll that this grave responsibility will take on a person is unpredictable. We have seen this all t...
Striving for a World without Capital Punishment