Matt Powell, a young, Christian preacher, argues the government should obey the Bible and start executing gays. Powell recently appeared on the Skylar Fiction Show to explain his conservative Christian views. Once the program begins Powell immediately suggests that gays should be executed by the government just as the Bible dictates, declaring: … as far as homosexuality goes, you know, I believe the Bible puts the death penalty on it. Powell added: I believe it’s disgusting. And incidentally, every scientific test has come back and said that homosexuals are 50 more times likely to get AIDS… we got this AIDS thing spreading… it’s a fact that this is the case. A skeptical Skylar Fiction first rejected Powell’s false claim concerning AIDS, and then asked if Powell was trolling him, noting that his views were so extreme they resembled “the Westboro Baptist Church.” An incredulous Fiction asked: You don’t believe that gay people should be stoned to death, do ...
Striving for a World without Capital Punishment