Death Row Cell at Kerobokan Prison Despite opposition to executions of Indonesian nationals abroad, some officials are urging liberal use of the death penalty, especially for drug-related offenses. Inmates on death row are abusing appeals and requests for clemency to avoid their sentences, according to Ma’ruf Amin, a member of the Presidential Advisory Council for inter-religious affairs. “The death penalty has been decided, but still it can’t be carried out. It’s there, but it’s not,” he said during a discussion titled “Death Penalty for Drug Criminals,” held by the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) in Jakarta on Thursday. Ma’ruf argued that delaying executions appeared to be part of a well-planned strategy by unscrupulous parties. “The way I see it, this is being done by design, but I don’t know who the people behind it are. It is therefore important that we investigate this in order to eliminate such constraints,” he said. Speaking at the same event, Djoko Sar...
Striving for a World without Capital Punishment