How much more ghastly will the stories of torture in the Ohio execution chamber have to become before the federal government steps in to protect that state from itself? It doesn’t appear to be enough that Ohio prison officials spent two hours fruitlessly digging in a convict’s arms for a vein last month to inject lethal drugs and execute the man. The convict, Romell Broom, was convicted of raping and stabbing to death a 14-year-old girl in 1984. Even for those who believe that such heinous criminals deserve to die, our society becomes dangerously base if we promote these kinds of deaths. Now, Ohio officials are looking at taking this grisly reprise even further. Officials there yesterday said they would investigate a way to inject the lethal drugs directly into the convict’s bones to reach bone marrow, in case a usable vein isn’t found by executioners. This sordid plan is no nightmare from a Hollywood slasher movie, it’s what government officials are cooking up to prevent another exec...
Striving for a World without Capital Punishment