Activists Call on President Biden to End the Federal Death Penalty Before Leaving Office

A conversation with Death Penalty Action Co-founder and Executive Director Abe Bonowitz. Now that Joe Biden is a lame duck president, activists are holding him accountable to make good on his promise to end the federal death penalty during his remaining six months as president. Biden’s election campaign in 2020 had pledged to end the federal death penalty and incentivize the remaining 27 states that still allow executions to do the same. While he made history as the first president in the United States to openly oppose the death penalty, there has been no movement to actually end federal executions during his nearly four years in office.

Iran | Execution of 21 Prisoners on October 1st and 2nd, 2024

The Iranian judiciary carried out the execution sentences of 21 prisoners on Tuesday and Wednesday, the first and second of October. 

This means that in two days and within 48 hours, on average, one prisoner was executed every two hours in Iran. While in September, every 10 hours a prisoner was executed in Iran. 

This alarming acceleration in the rising execution rates indicates that the Iranian judiciary ruthlessly and inhumanely employs the death penalty in the shadow of war.

Execution of 11 prisoners on Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024

On Wednesday, the death sentences of 10 prisoners at Karaj’s Qazal hessar Prison and one prisoner at Mashhad Central Prison were carried out.

The prisoners who were executed at Karaj’s Qazalhessar Prison were:
  • Fazlollah Poornasiri, a resident of Kouhdasht, was sentenced to death on charges related to drug crimes and was hanged in Qazalhessar Prison.
  • Hamzeh Shahbazi, a resident of Tehran, was sentenced to death on charges related to drug offenses and was hanged in Qazalhessar Prison in Karaj.
  • Behnam Hossein Dastjeri, a married man and father of one, was detained on charges of murder and had previously been sentenced to death. He was executed in Qazalhessar Prison in Karaj.
  • A female prisoner who had been sentenced to death for murder 8 years ago was executed in Qazalhessar Prison in Karaj. The identity of this female prisoner is currently under review by Iran HRM
  • Moloud Khalidian, a Kurdish prisoner from Qorveh, who had previously been sentenced to death for murder, was hanged in Qazalhessar Prison in Karaj.
  • Ali Memeshlu, who had been sentenced to death for murder, was executed in Qazalhessar Prison.
  • Morteza Abdolhosseinpour, who had previously been sentenced to death for murder, was hanged in Qazalhessar Prison in Karaj.
  • Saber Haghmoradi, who had been sentenced to death for murder, had his sentence carried out in Qazalhessar Prison.
  • Citizens of Afghanistan were executed on charges of rape in Qazalhessar Prison (a joint case with another foreign national).
  • The second citizen of Afghanistan was executed on on charges of rape in Qazalhessar Prison in Karaj.
  • Hamshahri government media mentioned only 5 of the 10 executed prisoners in Qazalhasar prison in Karaj. And 5 other executions were not announced during the media boycott
Mashhad Central Prison
  • Vahid Norouzi, who had previously been sentenced to death for murder, had his death sentence carried out in Mashhad Central Prison (Vakilabad).

Tuesday, October 1st, 2024

The death sentences of 10 prisoners were carried out on the first of October 2024, in various prisons including Kahnooj, Kashan, Ilam Central Prison, Semnan, and Kerman.
  • Abdul Habibi, who had been sentenced to death for murder by the Iranian judiciary, was executed in Kannauj Prison.
  • Meysam Mozafari, who had been sentenced to death for drug-related crimes, was executed in Kashan Prison in Isfahan Province.
  • Nima Moradi was executed in Ilam Central Prison. This prisoner had previously been sentenced to death for murder.
  • Nasrollah Menti was hanged in Ilam Central Prison on charges of murder.
  • Mehdi Khorsan, who had previously been sentenced to death for murder, was executed in Ilam Central Prison.
  • Dastgir Sasooli, a 45-year-old Baloch citizen who had been sentenced to death for drug-related crimes, was executed in Semnan Central Prison.
  • Naser Jamshidi, a 40-year-old resident of Yazd, was executed in Semnan Central Prison on charges of drug trafficking.
  • Rashid Sepahi, who was sentenced to death on drug-related charges, was executed in Saravan Prison.
  • A man was executed in Kerman Central Prison for charges related to rape.
  • The death sentence of another man, whose identity is under review, was carried out in Kerman Central Prison on charges of rape.

Call on International Human Rights Authorities

Iran Human Rights Monitor (Iran HRM) calls for an investigation against extra-judicial executions in Iran from Mrs. Mai Sato, the UN Special Rapporteur on Iran Affairs. It also urges the United Nations, the European Union, and member countries not to remain silent in the face of these executions, to condemn this state-sponsored massacre, and to demand immediate and practical action to halt this bloodshed. Silence in the face of this regime’s crime is a violation of the most fundamental human rights and democratic standards.

Source: iran-hrm.com, Staff, October 4, 2024


"One is absolutely sickened, not by the crimes that the wicked have committed,
but by the punishments that the good have inflicted."

— Oscar Wilde

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